Benefits of Working as a PSO

phone sex jobs

Working as a PSO from home can become a career if your goals are focused on long-term plans. It is not “easy” money. Finding the right company for yourself is also very important. We respect our phone sex operators and avoid drama!

Working as a PSO

Working in the phone sex industry is a unique experience, not for the “faint of heart”, and it’s much more difficult than women often think it will be. There are so many phone sex companies out there and you need to seek out the best one for you. The attitude of the company needs to match your personality, the policies of each company need to work for you, and you want to be assured that you will be paid on time! “Service Hopping” is not the way to be successful in this business and you do yourself, the company, and the callers a disservice if you do that. The grass is not greener somewhere else. It’s about finding the company you fit best with and sticking to your schedule, being a good operator, and working hard no matter where you work.

Working as a PSO

On this page, I will tell you what is special about working with us. You must decide if we feel like a fit for you.

  • We offer other opportunities to make more money with recorded audio and paid chat.
  • We respect our contractors as individuals and believe in strong communication.
  • We believe in your “independence” and do not stand over your shoulder watching you.
  • We do not require you to communicate with other operators who work for us, and we are 100% drama-free.
  • The owner is involved daily and invested in the company’s success. 
  • We have been leaders in this industry since 1998. We have stayed in the phone sex industry for over 20 years because we do business honestly and ethically with our operators and our clients. We have seen and experienced it all, and are not a fly-by-night company.
  • We pay bi-weekly by direct deposit. Our payroll has NEVER been late. We never withhold earned income from contractors and there is no waiting period to be paid.
  • We have a bonus incentive program which is very attainable and means you can earn more.
  • We view our phone sex operators as “partners”. Your success equals our success.
  • We do ALL promotions for you. You simply have to answer the phone. No clicking links, no blogging, no chatrooms, no “trolling”, etc.
  • We believe in strong communication. Tell us what you need, and how we can help, and let’s work as a team. Need a pep talk? OK, tell us! We are here to make money the same way you are.
  • Our clients are good people, and we treat them with respect. We have clients who have called our company regularly for over 20 years. They come back for a reason.
  • We offer extra promotions for the women who work the hardest.
  • We have a very flexible attitude and try to promote your best skills.
  • We won’t call you constantly asking you to log in. We do send out emails when we are low on girls, but we won’t bother you on your time off.
  • You can work extra hours as much, and as often as you’d like.
  • You are an Independent Contractor, so we allow you the freedom to create your character/s with your own personal style.
  • We are a strict company, but the rules are not difficult to follow. The rules are designed to make us both money.