How Much Money Can I Make as a Phone Sex Operator?

phone sex jobs

How much money can I make as a phone sex operator?

This is the big question, isn’t it?

You want to GET RICH FAST, don’t you? Isn’t that why you want to become a phone sex operator?

If so, you are NOT cut out for this kind of work. I am sorry to say that the phone sex industry is NOT a way to make big money fast. In all honesty… it takes years to build up enough repeat callers to keep you busy all day.  The women who are busy from the time they log on until the time they log off have a massive clientele that they built up over a few years.

Every new girl who starts can be quite busy at ANY company for about 3-6 months. It takes roughly that long for the regular clientele to call you. Every single regular client to the service will call you automatically ONE TIME. If you do not provide quality entertainment they will not call you back.

Many operators find themselves not doing well after 6 months at a company and decide to go find a new one. The problem with this is the same thing will happen again.

The truth and reality of the phone sex industry is that YOU must have a certain skill set to make money.  You have to be smart, and creative, feel like talking every day, and put LONG hours in! 5 hours per day doesn’t cut it. Most days you will put in 8-12 hours. Luckily, you can do other things between calls but you will sometimes be waiting for them.

We provide all of the leads to you and promote the ladies who do well and put in long hours. But as a company, we cannot force callers to like you or call you back. That is on YOU.  And you get one shot with each client to get them to WANT to pay to talk to you again.

The fewer hours you work, the more you call off or take a day off, and the fewer taboo conversations you want to have… will ALL affect your income. This is not new information to any experienced phone sex operator. The industry has been this way since it started. No one has ever been rolling in cash instantly. And any company that promises you differently is not being honest with you.

Some operators work for me that make $500 to $1000 per pay period easily. But they have been at it for years, work long hours until they meet their goals, and are excellent operators who never run out of fresh ideas. It’s VERY possible to make a career for yourself as a phone sex operator.  But it will not happen overnight or easily. Be prepared to earn every cent you make with hard work.

There is no such thing as easy or fast money. No job like that exists, anywhere. Be realistic. Know your talents. Work hard. And you CAN make good money as a phone sex operator.