no taboo phone sex

Phone Sex Operators Needed

Hiring Phone Sex Operators We are actively seeking to hire some additional phone sex operators for various shifts. We need overnight agents, daytime, and evening hours. We have a long-standing history in the industry, are very professional, and always pay on time. PSO Jobs Work from Home You are permitted to work for another service […]

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The Phone Sex Operator Skill Set

What’s it take to be a PSO? More than most people realize…. here are some of the needed skills that excellent phone sex operators tend to have: Dependability Mental clarity Creative thinking Self-motivation Excellent conversational skills The ability to listen closely Strong gut instincts Confidence The ability to think fast and change the direction of

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Phone Sex Operator Evening Jobs

Phone Sex Operator Evening Jobs We are currently seeking full-time phone sex operators to work evening into late hours such as a 7 pm-3 am shift or an 8 pm to 4 am shift. We operate on Eastern Time so West Coast ladies or women who live in the Pacific Time Zone can benefit the

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